Marketing Strategy + Content Writing


rebel road creative

Things I like…


Girl in a Band: A Memoir by Kim Gordon

The Creative Act: A Way of Being by Rick Ruben

Deep Run Roots by Vivian Howard


Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (Cleveland) & Museum of Pop Culture (Seattle)

A marketer and writer living in the District of Columbia, Elizabeth Tuico is Rebel Road Creative’s CEO. Prior to launching the business in 2018, she spent most of her career working in the architecture / engineering/ construction (AEC) industry. She has since expanded her offerings to other markets.

An avid traveler, Elizabeth enjoys experiencing different cultures and exploring close to home. Her trips include 45 states and 34 countries on six continents. She also teaches yoga and Pilates.

Elizabeth earned a bachelor’s degree in art history from Boston College and a master’s degree in history from The Johns Hopkins University.

Why is this business called Rebel Road Creative? This song was an inspiration. “I’m a rebel just for kicks.”